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Customer Testimonials

Weed Man Lawn Care Toledo, OH relies on the success of its customers, which is why we care for your lawn as if it were our own. Read what other Toledo, OH Weed Man customers have to say about their experience with us and our services.


Very good company with alot of knowledge. They are always willing to help out customers with any questions or concerns with there lawn. There products are definitely the best. My mother's lawn looked amazing this year very impressive.
-Angel Jaso

Product testing is top notch! Always using the most affective product safe for family and pets! Going away from resistant products for weeds, and using safe new alternatives which work better than most! Well done weedman!
-Nicholas Flahie

Locally owned and operated. Very responsive and transparent. Weed Man is a much larger company than most people think. They are all over the U.S and Canada. The customer service reps are very helpful and knowledgeable about everything going on.
-Brad Roeder

My lawn looks fabulous.   The staff was very patient and kind about all the extra things they to deal with and work around in my backyard because of all our pets.  It is greatly appreciated. They always checked to make sure there were no pets out in the yard before opening the gate.  They are very nice people to work with.
-Lori Proctor

Trust what they tell you. Used a different company for 5 years and still had issues with my lawn. 2 years with Weed Man and my lawn  looks so much better. Keep up the great work.
-James Hill